TEZA PTZ Moving target device

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Moving target devices TEZA PTZ

TEZA Combi target device enables a realistic shooting practice with short and long small arms with live ammunition or with laser simulators. The target hit evaluation / zone hit sensor in two alternatives. The mobile target equipment TEZA PTZ enables a realistic shooting practice with live ammunition or with laser emitter at a moving target. The TEZA PTZ equipment is composed of railway, target equipment with target holder and of control unit. The system enables a mobile installation at outdoor and indoor military and police shooting ranges and at ranges intended for a special training. It enables targets’ turning round through 360° in both directions, target’s moving on a railway in both directions. The railway has a modular structure with each one segment’s uniform length of 1,0 m for a facile transport.


Technické parametry:

Weight: approx. 25 kg
Drive unit: electric motor
Power supply: inbuilt accumulator
Operating: by control unit
Equipment’s functions: target’s moving left/ right / target’s turning round through 3600 left/ right / target moving quickness control / target turning quickness control
Operating temperature: -15 °C až + 45 °C

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